
Course Information

Intro Cell & Molecular Biology &Lab (BIO 100)

Term: 2014 - 2015 Academic Year Fall


Terri Holzen

Office Hours (Fall 2018 Semester)

  • Monday: 10:00 AM-noon; 2:30-3:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 1:00 PM-3:00 PM
  • Friday: 8:15 AM-9:45 AM


Tue-Fri, 10:00 AM - 11:20 AM (8/23/2014 - 12/12/2014) Location: MAIN GC 303


This foundational course explores the organization of living things from the molecular and cellular levels. Topics include the chemistry of biological molecules, cell structure and replication, energy flow, genetics, and current applications in biotechnology. The laboratory emphasizes data collection and analysis using relevant model systems. Fee. Prerequisite: ENG 110 or higher prior to, or concurrent with BIO 100. If placed into ENG 110, MAT 104, MAT
105, or MAT 109, must take BIO 104 concurrently with BIO 100.