
Course Information

Family Art Therapy (ATH 778)

Term: 2010 - 2011 Academic Year Fall


There is not currently a faculty member for this course


Fri, 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM (10/15/2010 - 10/15/2010) Location: MAIN NDH 042
Sat, 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM (10/16/2010 - 10/16/2010) Location: MAIN NDH 042
Sun, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (10/17/2010 - 10/17/2010) Location: MAIN NDH 042


This course presents an overview of the history and development of the use of art psychotherapy with families. The process of art therapy is related to the more general practice of family therapy and the psychodynamics of family systems.