
Course Information

Curriculum and Assessment (UEF 614)

Term: 2014 - 2015 Academic Year Summer


Carlene M Hansen
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Mon-Wed-Thu, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM (6/21/2015 - 7/9/2015) Location: MAIN HL 014


Students in this course learn to see the connections between large curricular goals and the assessment of student learning in the classroom. Working with content standards and ability outcomes, they explore the important concepts and skills their students need to develop in a grade level or levels. Employing a process called backward design, they identify performances that capture the big outcomes and design meaningful performance assessments using specific criteria in scoring guides. They explore the concept of assessment-as-learning, which involves a formative approach, positive feedback, and self assessment as means of guiding learning. Finally, they examine a range of political controversies related to varied opinions about the purpose and use of assessment.